Each century has its challenge. And each continent, each country, each people, their own. But there is a challenge that unites us all, across borders, and which it is up to our century to overcome: the environmental challenge.

Facing with the destruction of our planet, our duty, as parliamentarians from all continents, is to condemn, prevent and for that purpose recognize the crimes against our planet: it's time to recognize ecocide.

Some of these ecocides occured in our countries. Others have been spared. But everywhere, we are confronted with the ecocide of all times: climate change, the loss of biodiversity, the crossing of 6 out of 10 planetary boundaries.

With this alliance, we unite throughout borders and join forces so that we can move forward in the recognition of these awful crimes all over the world, and maybe at the International Criminal Court level.

We, members of assemblies at local, regional, national and supranational levels on all continents, defend the recognition of the crime of Ecocide as 'a destruction or severe damage to any part or system of the global commons, or an Earth’s ecological system at a scale which could threaten the lives of present and/or future generations, but above all the safety and hospitality of the planet'. This definition is not final. We will keep on working with lawyers and representatives to find and develop the best definition possible at different levels.


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